Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

May the holiday season bestow its blessings to you and your loved ones! Let's take this time to reflect upon the meaning and purpose of Chistmas and rejoice in God's love!


The Espinozas

Christmas In The Square - Part II

Another post from the Square before I move on to the holiday.... Mason was sick (as I believe I mentioned) the night we enjoyed Christmas In The Square. For that reason we only stayed for a couple of activities - those that I thought would bring the most return on the effort. It went without saying that one of the activities would be the trackless train. He may have outgrown his insane love of Thomas, but he is still totally gaga for trains! The line formed IMMEDIATELY after Santa landed. We made a b-line for the station, but still had to wait a solid 45 minutes to get on the train. I'm not sure how Mason managed to hold out, but I only had to warn him about 4 times over the duration of the wait that if he wanted to get on the train he had to stand next to me and remain relatively quite & still. It was a great little ride with my little man around the square. The light show was magnificent and the carriages would pass by & give Mason a thrill each time. He was more than a little taken with the horses! I don't think he's been that close to one before - atleast not a big, full-sized horse! Had he been feeling better (or had the event started earlier) I would have definitely taken him for a ride.... but it does give me ideas for things to do with him this year b/c he's very interested in the animals!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas In The Square - Part I

Our town is one of the many small cities that makes up the great Dallas Metroplex. When I moved to N. Texas more than 10 years ago (scary thought!) I swore that Dallas was like Narnia... it didn't "really" exist. Everyone says they live in Dallas, but what they really mean is hat they live in Irving or Plano or Grand Prairie or Richardson or Garland... the list goes on and on! The cities that make up what most people think of as Dallas are for the most part lacking character. Some may be nicer parts of town than other, but most lack a personality distinct to the area. One of the things that I absolutely LOVE about our community is that in spite rapid growth it has managed to retain much of its community feel. It still has much of its small town feel. People are friendly and family oriented here. And... people around these parts have BIG ideas!
What other explanation could one have for a Christmas celebration (oh, wait... did someone say CHRISTMAS?!) of this magnitude put on in a community with a population of less than 100k residents? For 2 weekends the square puts on a celebration that includes all manners of entertainment from creating a hill for adults & kids alike to sled to trackless train rides to parachuting Santa & Elves! I mean, there is little that you could imagine that they do not have available for your family. It's an absolute must-do for the holiday season! In spite of the size of gathering traffic still moves fairly well and the parking couldn't be better! I actually parked in the parking garage behind the library and had no trouble at all find a spot.
I'll spend the next few posts covering our adventures at Christmas In The Square, but today's focus is on the hot air balloons they had glowing that night. I took several pictures of the glowing balloons as they are just incredible to see in person. Is there much in the world more magical than seeing an enormous hot air balloon in person? Watching its amber glow in a cold, velvetty night's sky? Oh, it was something to behold! Mason was completely captivated by them. I was, too! As we wizzed past them in our train car I was snapping away at them like I'd just caught Lindsey Lohan in a night club!
Keep posted... more to come on the enchanting Christmas In The Square event!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Everyone Should See This

In case these photos make absolutely no sense to you... it's because it's Santa Sky Diving! Every year our town puts on a big Christmas In The Square production for a couple of weekends in December. We had not made it out in previous years, but this year I found out that they were having Santa sky dive into the festivities and I couldn't resist! It had actually been scheduled for a weekend that I had to work, but it was rescheduled due to weather. Now, I was taking a bit of a risk deciding to take Mason because he was sick. He's been sick all weekend... but he held out like a champ - I'm sure effectively spreading his illness to half the kids in Frisco in the process - and we had a great time! More pictures to come.... I just figured that watching Santa and his elves parachuting in was definitely blog worthy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Christmas Shoes

I have 5 whole "followers". Because I am pretty convinced that my 5 "followers" don't really check this often and I'm simply putting my BS out into the universe I have chosen today's topic to be shoes. I mean, I started this as a means to keep up with the family and friends who read Mason & Gavin's Caringbridge site... but this is what I feel like discussing today. I bought these for Joseph's Christmas party at work. I should say that I bought them b/c I WANTED them... I'd longed for them for quite some time... strategizing... working out a way that I could find an excuse to get them. Well I finally did... and I even managed to get them at DSW for a discount! Let me explain to you why shoes are my favorite thing to buy:

1) They always fit.

2) They never remind you that you need to go to the gym.

3) They make other women jealous - but not in a "hold on to your husbands" kind of way.

4) They can completely change the look and feel of an outfit.

5) They can suddenly make your legs look a little longer and your butt a little more lifted - without stepping foot into a gym!

I am certain that there are many other reasons shoes are my favorite purchase, but I'm dealing with limited time today. I'm off to take Mason to school and rush to the gym b/c it's "holiday party" day today. I've got to get my workout in quick-like-a-bunny today so I can change and head over to the school... where I will NOT be sporting shoes this fabulous!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Indian Summer

Technically I think it's a little late for Indian Summer... but yesterday in Dallas we had a high of 76, so I'm not really sure what else to call it! The weather was incredible and we spent our last truly pleasant afternoon of 2010 on the playground enjoying every last minute of it. Mason's little friend from school joined us for some fun at the park.... they played tag (as well as 3 yr olds do!), explored the slides & swings, and played in the dirt. Oh, and enjoyed their FAVORITE part of this particular park: the merry-g0-round. I know that by today's standards they are probably a bit dangerous (because it's my firm belief most parents would wrap their kids in bubble wrap if they could), but the merry-go-round is hands down the BEST part of the park. I think more parks should have them.... but perhaps the fact that you can't get them at just any park is part of the thrill? I'm not sure. I can, however, tell you that I loved them as a child and I'd nearly forgotten them when we came across this rare gem. They are excellent tools for wearing kids out. Mason likes to push it as much as he likes to ride it (if not more) so he always comes home ready for bed!

We'll certainly miss these afternoons soon... Winter is about to freeze us out and soon we'll be planning play dates in the mall or Chik-fil-a or beating our heads trying to come up with new ideas for places to meet when the weather is just too cold for little ones and their mommies!

Monday, December 13, 2010

R.I.P. Frankie

I talked to my dad yesterday and got the news that we lost a close friend and family member on Saturday night. Frankie. Frankie was my dad's mini dachshund and.... well... pretty much his best friend. They did everything together. When my dad went to bed at night Frankie was there. When he got up to take a shower Frankie would come in and lay on his clothes and wait for him to get out. Frankie went to work with my dad every day and most of the time if my dad went anywhere during the day Frankie went with him. He was a constant companion and a good listener. He'll be missed greatly.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Apologies

So, I know I am always begging forgiveness for not keeping up as well as I should and vowing that I'll do better. I know! I know! It just seems that 2010 has been a particularly rough year for me. I shouldn't make excuses since I manage to do things like Facebook regularly.... but the truth is that Facebooking is just snip-its.... sound bites... moments of your life. When I blog I certainly don't give every detail of our lives, but I do write considerably more. Some moments in your life you just have the energy to get through the task at hand. Asking for depth or honesty simply requires more than my soul has had this fall. (Please spare me your eye rolling and "drama queen" label for a minute!)

We decided to go ahead and try to expand our family again. And, again, I quickly got pregnant.... but, again, our excitement and joy quickly turned to disappointment and heartache when I had another miscarriage. My OB ordered some blood work afterward not wanting me to suffer a 3rd terminated pregnancy before doing a little research - which is actually the industry standard. (Nice, huh?) She didn't expect to find much, but as it turned out my A1-c was elevated as were my anticardiolipin antibodies. Now.... mind you I had been feeling physically TERRIBLE since my miscarriage. At first I thought my body was just absorbing the physical and emotional stress of what I'd been put through... but it then it just went on and on... I was TOTALLY EXHAUSTED. I could hardly keep my eyes open most of the time by 10am. At night I was hit-the-wall pregnant kind of exhausted. I just felt terrible. As I went into the OB for my 2 hr glucose test that was ordered after the A1-c result came back (3 whole wks after I had my labs done!) I thought, "That's it. That HAS to be it! I MUST have diabetes... atleast it would explain how weird I'm feeling!". But - as luck would have it.... no. Thank goodness. Big sigh of relief... but then, why do I feel so strange? It took me over a month to get in to see a rheumatologist - which is what the OB's office suggested when they told me my anticardiolipin antibodies were high. For those of you who don't know what on earth that means.... it means that I'm at a higher risk for blood clots , stroke, pulmonary embolism... lots of fun stuff. It is also associated with multiple miscarriages and preterm labor. Additionally it's linked to all manners of autoimmune disorder like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and so forth. While I had some time on my hands I also found myself a good primary care physician - an internist. I figured I'd better have someone to be a central point for all this health data. She examined me and took a couple of vials of blood to find out about my general health and all my general numbers were fantastic. She also recommended I see a cardiologist for a check up (I'll tell you all about my embarassing fight w/ the netty pot later) and he declared my heart normal and healthy - he practically laughed me out when he saw my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers! Then, last week the day finally came to see the rheumatologist. So many drs, right?! I'm sure my insurance is loving me at the moment! Her main concern was that I either have lupus or just that I have elevated anticardiolipin antibodies. She took 10 vials of blood - I kid you not - and ran a whole host of tests that should either rule in or rule out things. And now I wait. We have a follow up appt Wednesday to discuss their findings. Who knows if I'll learn anything! I am atleast feeling far better than I was back a month or so ago. I was dizzy alot and my head was very foggy.... and I just didn't feel RIGHT. And it's frustrating to someone who likes to be very detail oriented with health practitioners when she can't put her finger on exactly what is wrong. It just that I wasn't RIGHT. And I'm not always right now, but I AM far better.... and that's something for which to be grateful.

Oh, and through all this Joseph has had to take a couple of business trips and I've had to keep up with a busy 3 yr old, the holidays, my business, and the house. It's been busy times! And that's why I've been MIA. B/c at the end of the day I just couldn't do another thing. And it's awful..... and it's frustrating for someone like myself.... so I'll catch up when I can. And when I can't... well, you'll just have to be a little patient with me. I'm doing the best I can.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack (online)!

Well, after weeks without a computer I am finally up and running again. So now it's time to play catch up again! And just in time... it's Halloween! You can't get behind blogging at the holidays are you'll be buried. Not to mention all the angry comments you'll receive from relatives that you never update and post pictures! Big thanks to Kevin Stump for once again saving my tail and fixing my technology. A second big thanks goes to his wife, my good friend, Alisha, who loans her husband's skills out to me!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Houston, We Have A Problem!

Just a quick note to tell you that my computer died again so I'll update as soon as I can. My dear friend, Alisha, has her husband on the case. The poor man has fixed my computer two other times already. He's such a saint! She text msg'd me tonight and said that according to the software it would be 17,000 hrs before my computer was fixed. I wrote her back and asked her if that was a cleaver way of saying that it would be fixed when hell froze over. I have the feeling that I'm going to need to shell out some cha-ching soon to get another computer. Oy vey! Until then... over and out!h

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A New Room For Mason!

Mason's room was once this lovely, bright, cheery shade of orange. I knew it would need to be changed at some point. I was really enthusiastic about changing the color, changing it from a nursery into a big boy room.... but when the time came to actually start doing the work - I won't lie - it broke my heart. I found myself peeling the decorations off the wall and shedding more than a tear or two.
As I got further into the process, I found myself getting a little more enthusiastic and reviving a tradition I used to have... writing a message on the wall before painting. I was pretty close to being done with painting at this point. I probably should have used pencil or maybe even a pen to write my message, but it was late. I chose Sharpie. That set me back a few coats to cover my message! D'oh!
The end result of two days' hard work (please observe the ceiling... once also a bright orange has also been painted) is a beautiful room in Americana. The room still isn't finished, but at this point it's been painted and we've put together Mason's gorgeous boat bed. It was an amazing Craigslist find! It was in pretty well perfect condition and a verrrrrrry small fraction of the retail cost. It has storage in the front and a trundle that we can use when Mason gets old enough to have little friends over! (Or in the rare event that Houston gets hit with a hurricane again and my relatives end up here... the more beds the better!) We got Mason a new comforter. He didn't have anything twin size. I did splurge a little since I had a Pottery Barn gift certificate, but I absolutely love it. I love everything about it! Well, almost everything. I do hate the fact that it was on backorder for quite a while... and I hate that I spent a small fortune on a quilt for Mason that was made in China. I mean, really?! Pottery Barn? Et tu? Oh well.... I guess if I wanted it made here I should have gone to a craft show or just paid someone I know to copy the quilt. Surely there wouldn't have been much of a price difference. I'll have to remember that in the future. Anyway - hopefully this week we'll be able to get a little more work done on his room. I'm really excited to decorate it! That bed provided such great inspiration!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ice Skating Fiasco 2010

Joseph has never seen me ice skate. He has talked about it, but we've never gone skating. Now that Mason is getting old enough to skate (I started when I was 4) we decided to put that dream into action and take a family trip to the local rink. Mason has seen the kids skating at the mall and he's been really interested. It seems like every trip he gets a little more interested and he's been asking to go... so I thought that this would be a pretty successful trip. Boy, was I wrong!
  • Mistake #1: We went in the afternoon. Mason was tired - as you can see in the picture above. Unfortunately, the skating rink's family deal doesn't start until the afternoon. He fell asleep in the car. It's pretty critical to the success of an operation that you get him where you're going BEFORE he falls asleep. And IF he falls asleep, let him sleep until he wakes up on his own. Do not - I repeat, do NOT - try to get him up no matter what your time constraints! He wakes up from an interrupted nap the way the rest of us do... only he doesn't have a filter on his emotions yet!
  • Mistake #2: We went to the mall skating rink. Since they were having this family deal (4 people for $20 - including skates if you need them.... but don't try to come with less than 4 people b/c they won't give you the deal and you'll pay more as we found out!) it was reaaaaallly crowded. There were tons of people standing in front of the entrance to the actual rink. Mason was less than thrilled by having to wait around walking in skates to get to the ice.
It did not go well at all. Mason was not happy about not instinctively knowing how to skate perfectly. Joseph never even made it onto the ice. I tried to get Mason to skate for a little bit thinking once he felt the freedom of the ice (even while holding onto me), he'd love it... but no. He threw a world class hissy fit and required the assistance of a skate guard to get him off the ice! Then he threw a fit b/c he wanted to go back on the ice. Let's just say it will be another 6 months before we attempt this! I'm not giving up hope, though... He has talked about it atleast 4 times a week since then. I am pretty sure that - like most things - he'll come around when he's ready!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Our Beach...

This summer Mason and I spent quite a bit of time at our little beach this summer. I wanted to build in times when we could be around the water, but not PUSH what we'd been learning in swim lessons. Besides, the beach is just plain FUN! We can swim in a pool year round thanks to the gym, but we CAN'T swim at the beach year round! A park fairly close to our home has a kid-friendly protected area sectioned off, so it's nice and safe for family fun. It certainly lets mom relax a little more and gives Mason a tiiiiiiny bit of independence at the beach! Something that certainly would NOT exist if it was just an open beach on the lake. And Mason LOVES it. He can't get enough... in fact, there are times when that's a problem. He doesn't want to leave! We'll miss it when the weather changes, but for now we can probably sneak in another trip or two before the weather changes for good!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Caton's First Birthday Party

Mason had the exciting opportunity to attend Caton's birthday party this summer in Austin. Caton is the daughter of my business partner, Stephanie. When Caton was born Mason & I went down to help Stephanie and her husband, Jim, for a few days. I'm not really sure how much help I was with my noisy 2 yr old (at the time), but they seemed glad to have us and we were certainly honored to be there.
Caton's 1st birthday was an affair the likes of which I have never seen! There was something for everyone. Stephanie had set up a play area in the house (since it was typical Texas summer weather), cupcakes, a selection of fancy grilled cheese sandwiches, and a TRAIN! Oh my! Mason was thrilled. I really wish Joseph had been able to make it to the party b/c Mason was beside himself with joy on that train. He kept looking at me and saying, "Just like Percy, Mommy! It's just like Percy!!!!!". Oh, my heart melted! He had a blast at the party and was a surprisingly good boy considering that we made the drive down and back in one day... and that we shared the ride with another friend and her newborn. It was a long trip, but worth every bit of effort! Sometimes life reminds you that you get out of it what you put in!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sunday Mornings...

This summer I started regularly cooking with Mason on Sunday mornings. Sunday mornings in our home are historically pancake mornings. Pancakes are the perfect food for kids to help cook. There are plenty of ingredients to add. There's lots of measuring, pouring, and stirring. It's good busy work. Inevitably, the time will come to actually cook the pancakes on the griddle and Mason will cry, "Mommy! I want to cook more! I want to cook more! More cooking, Mommy! More!". That's when dump flour, water, egg yolks, raisins, food coloring... whatever!... into a bowl and let him stir to his heart's content. Because, while there are alot of great lessons that a kid can learn from cooking (besides how to do something other than boil water when he gets to college), the most importan thing that we get from cooking on Sunday mornings is SILENCE. This is Mommy's sneaky little way to let Daddy get a little shut eye on Sunday morning!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Swim Lessons

August brought 3 weeks of swim lessons. I had seen an article in a local interest magazine about a local woman who runs her own swim school specializing in private and semi-private lessons. She had been doing this for quite some time and had a background in swim and education. More specifically, she had a background in special education. I thought that might be helpful for Mason since he'd been diagnosed with expressive-recessive language disorder. It doesn't really seem to pose a huge issue most of the time (he appears to listen about as well as a 3 yr old!), but when it comes to the water you can't be safe enough! The first week of classes Mason had Miss Tabby teaching him (seen in the pictures). He absolutely loved her. There was one other kid in his class - a little girl who cried and screamed the entire class until the last day. The last 2 wks of class he had Miss Pat teaching him. She pushed him far harder. Mason liked her for most of the first week while the other little girl that was in this class cried and refused to do what she was told... then one day she decided to behave and Mason decided he'd throw fits and pretend he had to pee to get out of the pool! I can't say that the whole experience was a complete waste, though. I kept taking Mason to the pool and practicing with him. He slowly started to let me work on some drills with him... and I noticed that he would go off on his own and practice his skills in different ways than we'd worked with him. He refused for weeks to put his whole face in the water and blow bubbles - which makes it very difficult to get him swimming b/c his body isn't in the right position. I bribed him by taking his to Target to pick out Troublesome Trucks from Thomas (his current obsession) and told him I'd bring him back to get them when he would do "Starfish Face Down". We visited them and talked about them frequently... but he sternly refused until he made up his mind to do it one night in the bathtub. He has also started playing "swim lessons" with his ducks in the tub. He orders them to do different drills and go to the side of the pool. When his "lessons" are done he tells them "Good job! Now go get a lolly pop!" b/c he used to get a lolly pop after every class for his efforts! While I wish we could give lessons another attempt right now, I am glad to have a break from my afternoon ritual of sitting around in 100 degree heat every afternoon!

Top Sail Trip

This past summer Joseph and I had the rare opportunity to go away for a few days together with a few friends of ours. This group, The Haute Mommas (and their haute counterparts), is a group of women I've known online since I was pregnant with the boys. We met on in a group for people having twins in the same month and have managed to keep in touch over the years. Last year the ladies met up in Hot Springs for a girls' weekend. This year we decided to bring the guys along and hit the beach in North Carolina. We spent 4 glorious days enjoying the (fairly rough) surf, sun (a wee bit too much for some of us!), naps, food, and a certain blue chair. :o) We rented a house on the beach and, though, it was very close quarters, we all got along famously! The weather was fantastic - early 90's with a fair amount of wind. It's fair to say that we never wanted to leave, but we were all ready to see our children by the end of the trip!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mason Under The Magnifying Glass

June brought our epic trip to Houston. We were gone for the better part of a week. Smack in the middle of potty training I wasn't sure what to expect. Mason had refused to potty on anyone else's potty than ours up until this point, but I brought along the seat adaptor just in case. As fate would have it this was the trip when Mason decided he was done with diapers.... He stayed dry the whole trip. In addition to that bit of luck - we just had a great time. He was just better behaved than I could have ever expected from a kid his age... and so much fun. We swam and swam and just soaked up all the best stuff summer had to offer!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Kid Likes Cupcakes

So, naturally, where would a kid who likes cupcakes seat himself at a party? Right by the cupcake tray! Mommy & Mason went to a very kid friendly Cinco de Mayo party this year. This is where Mason chose to park himself while he feasted on taquitos and cupcakes. And queso... can't ever forget the queso! Mason found a critical error in the cupcakes, however. They weren't made entirely from frosting! So Mason helped himself to a number of these (actually he started grabbing them so fast that he had touched 2 before I even realized what was going on), but he only ate the frosting so that no one else would want them. Unbelievable! The host, Alisha, was incredibly gracious... but there was a limit. Mason DID get turned back to the kitchen when he tried to take his neon cupcake out into the livingroom on her new carpet! Just a fair warning... if you invite me to your house for an event I'll more than likely have Mason with me.... and we'll be sitting near the food.... b/c he has no shame. He's a growin' boy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

Ok - so in the interest of keeping things in order... I'm going waaaaay on back to the end of May and starting from the beginning of the summer. You'll get the highlights... that means all the fun stuff. It will look like the best summer of our lives... I love how you can rewrite history through photos and selective memory! :o)

Well, the summer started with a bang! Before school was even out for Mason we were enjoying America's favorite past-time. His school district had school pride night at the minor league field. SUCH FUN! This was one of those rare times that I didn't live by his bedtime... we actually let him stay up a little late. It was worth it. He really enjoyed watching the game and seeing the people from his school. He didn't last the whole game - I don't know that he made half the game before he was about ready to fall over from exhaustion - but it's something he STILL talks about when we pass the field. The Frisco Rough Riders play at Dr. Pepper Field and it's a fabulous facility. It's clean, easily accessible, and has great food & drinks AT A REASONABLE PRICE! Now there is a concept! They normally have some sort of entertaining activities for the kids. The players warm up close to the audience. They do give-aways all the time....If you ever find yourself in N. Texas this time of year you should really go to a game. It's great fun!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Summer Comes To A Close

I'm not gonna lie. I DO feel a tad bit guilty about taking the ENTIRE summer off from blogging. It was busy. And emotional. I honestly just didn't have it in me to update until now. I thought about it often. I just couldn't do it. I've noticed this about myself. This is apparently what I do when I go through tough times. I didn't get around to announcing it on here, but I was pregnant at the start of the summer. I'd planned on using an ultrasound picture to announce it... but that just wasn't meant to be. As it turned out I never got one I could share b/c I had a blighted ovum. For those of you who have no experience in this area it's when an egg is fertilized, implants, and starts growing, but the fetus fails to develop. The entire experience was VERY stressful since I am a high-risk patient and they wanted to see me right away... it was alot holding our breath for hormones to rise, ultrasounds, blood work and doctor's appointments. Ultimately, my body seemingly refused to believe there was a problem so I had to have a d&c to remove the sac.... All and all a pretty unpleasant experience. I don't even want to go into my feelings about what I've experienced with pregnancies at this time. I just want to move on and hopefully have a successful, normal, term pregnancy next time.

With that ugly news out of the way I hope to catch up rather quickly over the next few weeks. We had a super busy summer filled with travel, swim lessons, trips to the beach and so on... It was really great in that regard! I have lots of pictures of the fun we've shared so I'm looking forward to getting those online soon. Tomorrow Mason goes back to school... and he's quite looking forward to it! So I'm leaving you with the picture of Joseph and Mason at Mason's Meet The Teacher Night! Have a great week and check back soon. I WILL be posting again!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


You might be wondering where I've been and what we've been up to. Maybe? No? Well, I'll tell you anyway! We've been up to plenty. I'll slowly reveal it all. But my excuse at the moment for why I haven't been keeping you all in the loop is because my hard drive crashed. It was a goner. A real goner. Fortunately for me I have a very good friend who is married to a computer guru. He hooked us up by telling me exactly what to purchase so he could replace my broken parts with something functional. HURRAY. And I'm back in business! Thank GOD for good friends! Thanks to them you can look forward to many more months of nail biting drama, stunning photos and deep, deep insight to the human experience. Or atleast you'll get more of my wise-cracking!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Picky Eaters

I'm not really sure how it started... Maybe I was a little too concerned about keeping him clean? Maybe I was a little too lazy for a bit? Maybe it has NOTHING to do with me! But somehow... over time... the kid who would once eat just about anything has turned into a picky eater. My current not-so-top-secret project is to break Mason of this. But Mason is NOTHING if not stubborn. (Don't know WHERE he could have possibly gotten THAT!) At one point he had backed himself down to eating about nothing but Cheerios, Goldfish, and Bananas. That was around Christmas.. when I drew the line. Since then we've worked on and off to get him to eat more. And he is eating more... but we're still not to the point where we put food in front of him and he'll eat just whatever. I think ALOT of his problem in this area has to do with new textures. The kid isn't a big fan of textures... ground beef... forget it. Yes, I have a 3 yr old who will NOT eat a hamburger or french fries! It's not that I really WANT him to want those things, but I'd like to expand his horizons and to be able to go out to eat and know he'll eat something besides crackers! Tonight we had a bit of a breakthrough with turkey meatloaf. I put it on his plate a couple of days ago and got nothing, but tonight he ate about half of it... not much, but it's a START! I also had a big breakthrough on apples. (I know - what kid won't eat an apple?!) He bit into pieces of it a few times and spent a great deal of time sucking on the apple pieces... so it's a start! I just have to fight, fight, FIGHT with this kid and starve him out! As one friend said, "My dr said my job is to provide my children with a good, nutritious meal - what they decide to do with it once it's in front of them is their call!". No more short order cook...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Give A Kid A Vegan Sausage...

And you've got LOADS of entertainment! Since we are still dealing with a sick Mason here there isn't much to report on our lives... I mean, aside from Mason's fever finally passing.... so I decided it was a good time to report on the most underappreciated toy of all time: the vegan sausage! While we were in Houston on our big Rodeo trip we ate dinner with my parents. My dad has given up meat (among a very laundry list of items!) this year for Lent, so we had spaghetti with vegan sausage. I have to admit that, while it does NOT taste like meat, it was far better than I expected. It had a pleasant texture and flavor. I quite enjoyed it. Mason enjoyed it more. Not to eat.. no... he'd rather use them like nunchucks! He had a verrrry good time swinging them around like mad. So now you all know what to do when you're at the end of your ropes with your kids...give 'em a vegan sausage!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Neb: A MicoPreemie Mom's Best Friend

Since starting school Mason's spent ALOT of time like this... It's frustrating, but hasn't been overly problematic until now. Last weekend I decided to take a sort of impromptu trip to Houston. My very pregnant best friend, Tam, and I were talking and we decided it would be fun to take Mason to the fair at the Rodeo to get his first Rodeo experience. Well, with the time change and drive it was a looong day. We didn't get to the Rodeo until pretty late - and the lines made for a less than ideal situation. But - we did manage to have some fun. Toward the end of our Rodeo experience Mason was pretty cranky. It seems that he had chosen this weekend to decide he was completely OVER going potty in his pants... he had a fit b/c he couldn't get to a little potty! I thought alot of his crankiness was related to the long day and maybe the smoke from the concession stands. When we got to my parents house I gave Mason a breathing treatment b/c he had started coughing quite a bit. He went to bed VERY late for him and we slept together that night so I know he didn't sleep well. He would cough and move all night- then he got up at 5:30. The next morning we did more treatments and the long & short of it was that he got so sick and was coughing so hard that he threw up... and threw up until he was dry heaving. NO FUN. Thank GOODNESS I didn't let Joseph talk me into detailing my car before I left! We drove back that night - a full day early - and it was the drive from hell... complete with Houston rush hr traffic and about an hr of construction traffic in the middle of nowhere. Just what you need when you are exhausted & have a very sick child with breathing difficulties in your backseat! Today we called the pulmonologist to see if we could get in, but no... it's Spring Break. They are booked solid. The soonest we could get in was Thurs morning.... what to do? 5 breathing treatments.... 3 pulmicort/xopenex and 2 mucamist/xopenex. Of course! That's pretty much ALWAYS what I'm told to do when Mason's really sick. So that's what we're doing... he's running a fever as well.. so it seems this is likely something viral... probably another thing Mason picked up at school. It's a good thing he's also picking up vocabulary, pronounciation and his colors!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Rainy Day Blues

Rainy Day Blues
Originally uploaded by kellyaespinoza
I know.... I know that the rain is a good thing. It's just that we've had SO many rainy days... back to back this year! We had a GLORIOUS weekend here in Dallas and then come Monday......... rain. Again! (And what's worse, COLD ... AGAIN!) I understand that we are supposed to have some beautiful weather mid-week, but for now I'm contemplating relocated somewhere tropical!

BTW - yes, this is an ooooooooold picture (sometime mid-2008!), but it was cute and fitting, so I used it anyway. And really - what is a post without pictures?!

In other news... we have gotten a face-lift here... just in case you didn't notice! I'm not sure how often I'll be changing faces, but it may happen from time to time around here... especially if I'm feeling particularly festive!

Friday, February 26, 2010

This is the face...

This is the face that holds me down when I should be up doing laundry, the dishes, sweeping, mopping, cooking, scrubbing, working out and generally doing anything other than laying in bed. I came *this* close to falling asleep this morning after pleas of "SNUGGLE! SNUGGLE!" lulled me back into bed.... I would have fallen blissfully asleep to Mason's little quiet little chatter had it not been for the looming deadline of school ahead. And I really could have been convinced that on this cold, rainy day Mason didn't really *need* to go to school. He's had a little cough. This is pre-school, for cryin' out loud! But then I remembered how much he DOES truly love school. In spite of my desire to soak up every second of fleeting snuggliness it was really in both our best interests for me to break it off and blow dry my hair. After all, Mason loves going to school. It's a good routine and he learns alot. And, besides, I really wouldn't have made it to the gym today if I didn't have to drive half way there to drop Mase off at school!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Family Day 2010: Dallas Aquarium

I'm finally getting around to posting about our Family Day celebration on February 6th. This year we went downtown to the big Dallas World Aquarium. Mason is currently REALLY into fish so we thought he'd like that. We thought we might even end up buying a family annual pass, but, unlike many other venues around town that offer such passes, the Aquarium does not offer any reduced price/free guest passes or parking discounts. Even so I really considered doing it since our entry fee was nearly $60 and an annual family pass was $199... but after going through I was glad that we decided to wait. Mason isn't quuuuuuuite ready for going there too often. The entire top of it is composed of a huge rainforest and while you are walking through it there are LOADS of lines... lines + 3 yr olds = trouble. The day was still fun. Mason enjoyed looking at the huge wall aquarium. He could have hung out there for hrs... if we had goldfish on us! Mason made friends with turtles, giant catfish, manitees, and all sorts of other creatures. It was funny b/c they really did look like they were coming to say hi. One of the COOLEST parts of the trip was that there was a street musician outside the Aquarium playing the sax. We probably could have spent the afternoon watching him and Mason would have been happy as a clam!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's Conclusive

The tests are conclusive. He IS the father. Oh, wait.. that was never in question... Well, I'd like to point out what a total "minnie me" situation we have going on here at Casa Espinoza. Mason's hair even grows naturally into that faux-hawk. Mason really needs a haircut in this picture and you can see that the hair in the middle just grows faster than the rest!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Why am I blogging about Valentine's Day early? Why am I NOT blogging about how wonderful our Family Day was? What is this picture? Why, it's the Westin Paris. By now you are thinking I've lost my mind. No. My fabulous husband gave me an early Valentine's Day present last night. The best kind. (Get your mind out of the gutter...) The kind that is FREE! And even better... it involves a passport! It was announced last night that Joseph qualified again for TPC! We are going to Paris! I am super excited b/c I waited 4 yrs for a vacation and then I get 2 about 6 months apart! I just had to brag about what a super star sales person my husband is. He works really hard and it's so nice to see him rewarded for it.... or as he put it 'we did this together'... so it's nice that I get rewarded, too! :o)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Family Day 2010

Originally uploaded by kellyaespinoza
We recognize the anniversary of Gavin's induction into angelhood each year by having a family day. We really milled over what it was that we could do to handle the day best... for a long time. Year 1 Joseph was away on business and I became overwhelmed with emotion and baked until we were just about broke. Then I packed up Mason and we delivered all our baked goods to the NICU with a card for the staff thanking them for the work they had to treat Gavin with the best care they could. I decided after that to wallow a *liiiiiiittle* less and appreciate what we do have just a liiiiittle more. It's not that it isn't an emotional time for us... but I decided that I wanted to spend the anniversary doing something that my child(ren) would enjoy and really enjoy them enjoying it. I wanted to spend the time together doing something fun b/c if an anniversary like this can't remind you that this isn't a dress rehearsal, then I don't know what can!

This year we are going to the Dallas Acquarium! Mason is SO into fish right now that I think he'll absolutely LOVE it. In order to deal with my grief I am making massive quantities of the Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls to take to the NICU staff (that's the other thing we do each yr.... show our appreciation) so we'll be dropping them off while we are in the area. We also have big plans to watch Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Saturday should be big fun around Casa Espinoza!

In other news... Mason went to see Dr Dan for his 3 yr well visit. He's now 36 lbs and 37.5 in tall! Big boy! Everything looks good. He was SUCH a good boy for the exam. I really couldn't believe it. He didn't get upset at all except for the shot he had to get... and no one likes shots... but he quickly regained composure when lolly pops and stickers were offered. (And I don't even know WHY he likes lolly pops so much since he doesn't actually eat them! He just likes to hold them!)

Friday, January 29, 2010

More Good News For Belle!

The phone! The phone is riiiiiiingiiiiiiing! (Yes, for those of you parents with children young enough to watch WonderPets... that's what I was singing!) And my phone was ringing... it was the vet's office calling to tell me that all of Belle's labs came back good so we are a-go for treating her with anti-inflammatories! Hurray!!!!! That's such great news. I can't wait to have Belle feeling better... and hopefully this means we can get her dental work done also...and then she'll smell like my old dog, too! Old dog doesn't really bring to mind pleasant smells, but Belle has never been a stinker. So I want THAT dog back!

Anyway - that's my good news for this rainy, cold Friday afternoon!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good News For Belle!

This is Belle. We don't have a TON of pictures of Belle. She follows the belief system of indigenous people around the world: she thinks the camera will steal her soul. She's verrrrry skittish about photo ops. That sounds believable enough. What is UNBELIEVABLE is that she's been my sidekick since the end of my freshman year in college. Actually, to me the most unbelievable part of that is how many years that's been! She's technically around 80! I would like to look that good at 80. (I like to tell people it's because she gets up every day and does yoga...) Lately we've been having some problems with Belle. The dog that used to "hold it" for 12 or 14 hrs if I had a bad day at work has been having accidents like crazy. She's been salivating like mad. She's got a weird odor.. that's very strong.. and she's NEVER had an odor. All of these things were becoming bigger and bigger problems and I really feared the worst. That odor was what we feared was 'the smell of death'... it was THAT bad! Today, my mother-in-law came over to help me take Belle to the vet since I still can't lift that much weight. After they ran tons of tests it appears that she's got some dental work to have done. There wasn't anything that screamed teeth needed to be removed, but they definitely require cleaning to stop that smell... and hopefully they will then be able to identify any underlying oral issues. All this is pending blood work to make sure that she can handle this at her age... and that there isn't another thing going on that we don't know. That will solve the salivation and the odor. We had x-rays done and it seems that her toiletting issues are actually being caused by her arthritis. Her poor hips are a mess... they said they were shocked she was active as she is. The vet said she's one TOUGH dog... of course, she's MY dog.. so we knew that! :o) The good news is that with some super duper vitamins/supplements and a dose of anti-inflammitory a day she should be MUCH improved! Yes, the news was expensive...but you can't put a price on the health of a roommate who has asked so little and loved so much for so long!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mason 3.0

Last Thursday my little boy (born at 1lb 11oz) turned 3. I would have blogged all about it that night, but I was still traumatized by, a)having a 3 yr old, b)being less than 2 wks post-op, and c)Mason's first day at school! It was a long day to say the least! Mason had a great first day at school, though. They let us go early and walk him into his class room. I decided he was definitely at the right place when the Aggie War Hymn was played over the loud speaker while we walking down the hall! He didn't cry - just screamed with joy when he saw all the new toys! Friday was a different story, however. That was the first day that we had to drop him off in the carpool lane. I'll sum it up by telling you it took 3 people to get him into the building! I didn't get any report that there was a problem once he was inside. The teacher that walked him to the car said she was going to steal him from Ms. Laura every day b/c he was too cute & lovable. That really only takes about 10 seconds to figure out!

I've posted pictures and video from Mason's birthday and his first day of school at Enjoy!

This whole getting older/growing up/going to school experience does have one dark side: it took exactly 2 days for Mason to get a runny nose. This only confirms my suspicion that semi-retirement was the right move for my family! How do I know that this was something that we caught out at the store? Well, for starters, we haven't been out anywhere! And the damning evidence was that the one little girl in his class had a nose like a faucet when she came in on day 1. Ugh.... I just hope that this isn't typical. Do I sound like a fanatic when I say that kids shouldn't be sick all the time? I can count on one hand the number of times Mason has been sick and I just don't always want him drugged up or on 5 breathing treatments a day! (He's probably going to get 2 today, but when something moves into his lungs it goes from 3-5 pretty quickly!)

The bright side of Mason's school schedule... I managed to go to the post office (mailing things in the line!), Target and the library on Friday! That's like a whole week's worth of errands taken care of in one day!

Monday, January 18, 2010

1 Wk Post-op

Howdy, boys & girls... kids & campers! I know it's been a bit since I posted, but I have several good excuses.

1) My computer took a dive. It wasn't looking good. I was assured by The Geek Squad (after spending $70 for a diagnostic) that I needed to spend another $250 to get my laptop running again. It needed a new hard drive ... after only 1 yr... and that was what it would cost for parts & labor. Then I mentioned it in passing to a friend who had called while I was in Best Buy and she assured me that they were full of crap & at a minimum her husband could do it cheaper.... a few days later he had it running reliably!

2) My other excuse is surgery. My body is not a huge fan of general anesthesia. The first week I was feeling pretty yucky. I started turning around Friday afternoon and have felt human again since. This was really unexpected for me since I really didn't think my c-section was that bad. I thought that this would be easier... but it turns out that no, it was not. My pain has been surprisingly low the last few days, though. Hurray for that!

My parents were here for the surgery and the next few days. They stayed a day longer than expected since I felt so run down. Abuela showed up the day they left and has been doing a good job keeping Mason occupied and the house running. She's done countless loads of laundry & told me to sit down or not lift something a million times ("not even a pencil" she'll shout). Most afternoons after their customary walk they come home, eat lunch and take a nap together.... it's a good routine!

So that's how things are going here on the ranch. I'm slowly healing. Mason's getting lots of attention. Abuela's getting her exercise!

Monday, January 4, 2010

T-1 Week

T-1 Week until..... what? And why do you have a picture of Mason in robe in public? What does this have to do with him??? Nothing really... it's just a cute picture. It was taken at a local hospital the last time we visited the ER. T-1 Week until I have my surgery done! I can assure you that I will NOT look this cute at the hospital. What surgery? I'm having a transabdominal cerclage laproscopically placed to avoid all the baby drama we had last time.... b/c things people are not meant to experience ONCE are certainly NOT meant to be experienced again. The perinatologist agreed to do it - thankfully - even though he thought a normal cerclage would be fine.... but this is fool-proof.. and my cervix likes to act a fool!! Anyone interested in finding further information can either visit Abbyloopers or just search it on Yahoo.... it seems that there are ALOT of people in the medical profession who don't know about it, but every mom I know who had a dynamic/incompetent cervix is in line to have this done for their next go-round! Anyway - it's VERY exciting stuff!